Sunday, December 14, 2008

Hut Trip!

I have no clue who Janet is, but we snowshoed up to this cabin at tree line this weekend. It was 6 miles in and out and up and down. It involved some work but worth every minute, the Colorado backcounrty is unbelievable! It started snowing when we got on the trial and didn't stop ALL weekend.
This picture was taken (by someone else) on a day hike out of the cabin from the top of the peak overlooking the hut.
View from the balcony and the soon-to-be sledding hill.

Another view, this is the way we came up.

Building the sledding hill, and a great one it was! It was built luge style and had two small jumps and one huge one at the end (not pictured). I am the one in the light gray jacket working on one of the jumps. Jimmy is on the right bending over with the sled.
Jimmy and I one the hike down out in the winter wonderland.

Part of the group hiking out. One of the best parts of the weekend was the people we were with. Some old friends and some new and nothing but cards, drinking and f-u-n (and a little snow)!

This is what the trail looked like.

Bye Bye wilderness...Hello heat!

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