Sunday, April 5, 2009

Videos Galore!

Friday...We went to family night at the athletic club, they had 2 for 1 beers to get the parents to come, pizza for everyone and fun and games, and Elie learned to slam dunk the basketball!

Saturday...We went swimming! Elie loves the slides (in and out of the pool). She went down the slide about 1000 times. I was playing with my video maker and put the video to some lame music, the song is called "A Perfect Saturday", it's a little cheesy.

Sunday...To Jimmy's and my own astonishment Elie was singing her ABC's with her toy. Turn up the volume so you can hear her over the toy.


Unknown said...

Wow, the perfect trifecta! I laughed til Fresca came out my nose! I laughed the hardest at the b'ball video - so many distractions! She's so busy, what to do first?! xoxo J

b fisk said...

oh, that song is b-U tee ful.