Thursday, June 18, 2009

Frisco with the Schmidtleins

Friends...Elie and Katherine had a ball playing together this weekend.
Here they are playing in the woods, I hope Katherine isn't teaching Elie how to pee in the woods.

We made the girls a fort in the bunk beds and they watched Care Bears on the DVD player. This was a great activity, because they were still, quiet and in a different room then the adults.

We took the girls to the Frisco Library and out to lunch. Katherine likes to pull ELie around byt the hand, or by the hood of her sweatshirt.

Here I was showing Elie on the globe were her Dad was.


1 comment:

Vitellos said...

I love the picture of the girls in the woods. If she's anything like her Mom, she probably was peeing behind a tree. She looks so cute under the bunk bed too - her eyes are HUGE!