Wednesday, May 13, 2009


We had a play date at the park today, it was supposed to be at the pool but it was too chilly. This is Elie's new preferred way of swinging!
Here's Elie and Kimberly swinging together, Elie is getting her running start into flying mode.
And my little monkey I didn't think she could climb up this thing, so of course, up she went! There was good motivation, it was the quickest way to get back up to the slide


Unknown said...

"I'm flying! Over here, over there, I'm flying..." Those inspired lyrics are from Peter Pan and Elie looks like a girl who would love to be able to fly! She's so brave and funny! xoxo J

MiMi said...

Okay, this looks like you at the park at this age. I wish she would stop being so timid and shy.